Andi Syamsulbahri -  Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum Islam, IAIN Bone., Indonesia
Adama MH* -  STAI Al-Gazali Bone, Indonesia

DOI : 10.35673/as-hki.v2i1.895


In reality, in the life of the community that marriage is not a complicated issue where the couple embrace same religion. But this will be a problem if the two couples embrace different religions. This will be a problem because with religious differences, the marriage will be hindered. This study uses the normative juridical method, namely research conducted by reviewing the laws and regulations along with other regulations relevant to the problem under study. The laws and regulations that will be studied in this study are the laws and regulations that are related to marital problems of different religions.

The legal consequence of interfaith marriages is that marital status of the different religions is not legal according to each religion so that it is also invalid according to Law number 1 of 1974 concerning marriage. With an illegitimate marital status, it will also have legal consequences on the status and position of the child. Children born from marriages of different religions are illegitimate or out-of-wed children. Because their parents' marriages are not legal marriages, the result is that the child has no civil relationship with his father, and the child only has a civil relationship with his mother.

Keywords: Interfaith Marriage; Legal Consequence; Marriage Law.

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Submitted: 2020-07-22
Published: 2020-07-25
Section: Articles
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