Online Media Independence (Political News Preaching and

hastuti hastuti* -  Unibersitas Muhammadiyah Buton, Indonesia

DOI : 10.30863/palakka.v1i1.709


independence Media Has a very complicated concept. Generally, independence is the idea that journalists must be free from interference in carrying out and practicing their profession. Most of the news is the construction of reality plus the ideology and interests of Online Media. Often Online Media always chooses problems, information, or other forms of content based on manager and owner standards. The choice of angle, direction, and framing of content that is considered a mirror of reality is determined by Online Media professionals (gatekeepers) and in accordance with owner's standards. Online Media alignments in viewing news, has consequences that may be beneficial or detrimental to Online Media. This is related to related parties and influences event reporting.


Keywords: Independence, Online Media, News.

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Article Info
Submitted: 2020-05-01
Published: 2020-06-21
Section: Articles
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