An Islamic Law Perspective on the Concept of Shopeepaylater

Muspita Sari* -  State Islamic Institute of Bone, Indonesia
Hardianti Yusuf -  State Islamic Institute of Palopo, Indonesia
LD. Dian Hidayat S -  State Islamic Institute of Bone, Indonesia
Widia Astuti -  State Islamic Institute of Bone, Indonesia

DOI : 10.30863/al-bayyinah.v6i2.2962

Technology in this era has developed very rapidly. There are many applications that were created to facilitate human activities. One of them is the emergence of e-commerce that can make it easier for anyone who wants to shop, but is lazy to leave the house. All needs ranging from clothes, food, skincare, bags, food, home furnishings, gadgets, books and many more are available there. All of that is easily obtained in just a matter of minutes or even seconds. By online shopping, it will save energy and time. Only by purchasing goods via smartphone, then waiting for them to arrive at home. One of the e-commerce that is widely used by the public is Shopee application. The more Shopee users, the more Shopee wants to provide all the convenience of facilities and attractive promos every month. The previous payment method could only be via COD (Cash on Delivery), minimarkets, bank transfers and shopeepay. Now you can make payments on credit. The credit concept or ShopeePayLater offered by Shopee by allowing its users to make purchases of goods without having to wait for the money. If there is an urgent to buy goods using ShopeePayLater, then Shopee will lend funds which will then be paid in the following month according to mutual agreement. However, behind all the benefits offered to ShopeePayLater users. There are still many who have doubts about the law because for every transaction, Shopee provides additional handling fees and interest rates. The interest rate referred here clearly includes usury and it is strictly prohibited according to Islamic law.
Shopee paylater; e-commerce; islamic law
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Article Info
Submitted: 2022-07-26
Published: 2022-11-29
Section: Articles
Article Statistics: 575 839