Fiqh Patterns in the Interpretation of al-Alūsī: an Analysis of Interpretation of Rūh al-Ma’ānī
DOI : 10.35673/al-bayyinah.v5i2.1762
The existence of an interpretation can be the key to all the problems that arise among the people from time to time. The tendency of a mufassir(interpreter) in studying and interpreting the Qur'an is able to produce works that are in accordance with his tendencies. In contrast to al-Alūsī, his tendencies in various fields actually make him a different interpreter than others in his interpretation.This article aims to examine the various patterns of interpretation carried out by al-Alūsī in his interpretations of legal verses. This research is a qualitative literature research. The research data was obtained by conducting a literature review of the interpretation of Rūḥ al-Ma’ānī as primary data and other sources as secondary data.The findings of this study indicate that as a person with Sufistic perspective and is seen as having an isyārī pattern, al-Alūsī is not at all affected by his pattern in performing legal istinbat. If you dissect the verses of sharia law, then al-Alūsī still prioritizes his fiqhpattern. Whatever al-Alūsī studies, it appears that his analytical abilities and tendencies are very deep and strong, so that his interpretation takes several types of interpretation.
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